Build a user-friendly store of packing items with this responsive VirtueMart template. 它的特点是一个由Ajax驱动的下拉式购物车. 这种先进的网络技术使买家能够添加每个...
Sales: 14
支持: 4.1/5
Gamez VirtueMart模板
Gamez is a ready-made template that will appeal to any gaming website.主题有很多高质量的图像. That's why, in order to make your site load faster, the lazy load effect was...
Sales: 9
支持: 4.1/5
The theme is oriented on merchants selling healthy nutrition and supplements. Main color of Supplement Store VirtueMart Template's layout is green, 哪一种与积极的生活方式有关. Main...
Sales: 7
支持: 4.1/5
Colorful and vibrant design of this ready-made Love Pets theme will perfectly work for starting or redesigning pets, beauty, 爱好和手工艺, 以及网上礼品商店. 这只宠物明亮通风...
Sales: 6
支持: 4.1/5
Lizzy VirtueMart模板
如果你想开一家内衣店,那就开得性感一点. This 内衣VirtueMart模板 will help you succeed on your market niche. 带有诱人图片的大横幅吸引了游客的眼球...
Sales: 8
支持: 4.1/5
This RC toys VirtueMart template is the right choice for entertainment websites. Its full-screen header is flavored with polygons adding a lively touch to the page. 圆形图像的形状是用来...
Sales: 4
支持: 4.1/5
这个花店模板看起来非常养眼. Beautiful photos of flower shop VirtueMart template feast the visitor's eye. Promo banners are placed above the slider, right under the main menu...
Sales: 22
支持: 4.1/5
This jewelry VirtueMart template has everything required to move your store online and make a name for your brand. A tender palette in the snow white background symbolizes elegance, while...
Sales: 42
支持: 4.1/5
是否以母亲为目标, dads, 小孩子或职业玩家, this Toy Store VirtueMart Template will appeal to any audience. Made in clean and minimalist style, the layout draws users' attention to...
Sales: 6
支持: 4.1/5
多汁又开胃, this Fruit VirtueMart Template will work well for a number of food and drink related web stores. A newsletter popup welcomes every visitor in, inviting them to subscribe to...
Sales: 10
支持: 4.1/5
Contact Lens is a responsive Optometrist VirtueMart template designed for a broad range of online stores, 包括医疗, 金融与计算机. 它拥有一个非常方便的粘到顶部...
Sales: 12
支持: 4.1/5
Photo Club VirtueMart模板
This stock photo VirtueMart theme was designed to maximize visitors' comfort on your 电子商务 site. Products are arranged in easy-to-navigate carousels on the front page, and colorful badges make...
Sales: 5
支持: 4.1/5
T- Shirt VirtueMart模板
看看这个很棒的t恤商店VirtueMart模板. It offers you all the tools and features that are so necessary for an effective 电子商务 project. 超级菜单是最强大的功能之一...
Sales: 3
支持: 4.1/5

很棒的Joomla VirtueMart商店模板

The dream of every director of an online shop is to create a fantastic site where people will be happy to buy! 因此, we aim to offer the most excellent list of Joomla VirtueMart store templates compatible with your CMS. 同时, 客户可以获得漂亮的页面外观, 接受在线订单的所有元素, 和一个用户友好的网络资源. Authors know their main task - to create a layout that appeals to the buyer and his potential audience. 因此, you may find the most fantastic options for diversifying the website in the collection. 你会看到最好的选择. After all, Templateog体育首页 guarantees a good selection of quality goods!

谁需要Joomla VirtueMart商店模板

我们来看看乘积是什么. The layout purchased on the marketplace changes the site's appearance immediately after installation. 同时,设计是完全可编辑的. 如果你有能力或者有强烈的愿望去理解 CMS,你可以毫无问题地处理设置.

Please note that the 产品 are compatible only with the CMS specified above. 然而,VirtueMart代表什么? This point is a combination of your content management system with a plugin. It turns a regular web resource into an online shop that can receive an order.

So, our items are most in demand among sellers of such 产品:

  • 装饰物品.
  • 家具.
  • 仪器.
  • 孩子们的衣服.
  • 面部及身体护理.
  • Spa化妆品.
  • Makeup.
  • 香水.
  • 服装和鞋类.
  • 包、眼镜和其他配件.
  • 艺术品.
  • 花园配件.
  • 耐药库存.
  • Bio-additives.
  • 健康的食物.
  • 药物.

在过滤器中找到你的方向. 你也可以买一个多用途的主题. 这样的设计适用于所有的企业. 它们是普遍存在的.

Joomla VirtueMart商店模板的好处

一下子描述所有的优点是不容易的. 阅读布局描述中的功能列表. 然而,你一次只需要一些好处. Please read the material below to learn the main features and their meaning. 因此,该货物可能具有以下优点:

  • 电子商务. This point is an extended version that includes checkout and the order form. With its help, you may also integrate with other marketplaces and trade on them.
  • 下拉菜单. 一个时髦的元素应该吸引人们的注意. After all, thanks to this mini guide, the visitor searches for an exciting assortment.
  • 谷歌地图. The company's address is vital for creating a trusting relationship with a potential client.
  • 示例内容. After installing the purchased layout, the blocks already have text. 你自己很容易就能找到它们.
  • 切片PSD. 分割的主题可以在Illustrator或Photoshop中编辑. It's only necessary to determine in which format the author sends his graphics.
  • Blog. 该部分看起来令人惊叹,时尚和现代. 人们想读这样的文章.
  • 视差. 从 the link 加载到页面的后台. 显著的改进使您的网站现代化.
  • 惰性加载效应. 通过选择具有此功能的布局来加快页面加载速度. 同时, the visual effect looks quite impressive and modern. 只有当用户向下滚动时,图片才会平滑地显示出来.
  • 单页模板. The best option is to present several items to a potential audience. So, 把所有人的注意力集中在他们的优势上, 顾客评论, 订购送货时的奖励, etc.

Read the description and discover what qualities the web developer has endowed a specific product.


Online business needs even such small but significant beautiful details. 通过观看本视频找到合适的版本. 订阅!

Joomla VirtueMart商店模板常见问题

如何找到Joomla VirtueMart商店模板?

All options with built-in functionality for online sales are on this page. 点击查看CMS的完整列表 the link 从这些分类中选择.


观看演示以订购您喜欢的视觉设计. 请注意,演示在不同的设备上有预览. Click on the smartphone, tablet, and laptop icons to learn the look.


到我们的销售部去. 在那里选择一个合适的图形并下订单. Also, use the og体育首页ONE wholesale tariff for unlimited downloads — details on the link.

如何编辑Joomla VirtueMart商店模板?

It's great if you have Photoshop skills, and the theme's description includes the 切片PSD feature. 可以在图形编辑器中进行编辑! For other situations, web developers have written detailed documentation. 通过电子邮件找到它以及购买的布局. Also, all Templateog体育首页 clients can order the customization service 通过链接.